As a cybersecurity engineer, I have been building Public Key Infrastructures and troubleshooting certificate issues since 2002; in the last few years I have immersed myself in offensive security and security research related to the Windows PKI (I am @elkement). My work was quoted in the Certfied Pre-Owned research paper as prior work:
and by ippsec:
As an energy engineer, I have co-developed a heat pump system that used a combination of underground water/ice tank and solar/air collector as a heat source (Version 2 went live in 2012). I have been in charge of numerical simulations, development of system sizing tools, development of software for measurement data analysis, and implementing Internet-of-Things-based logging methods.
I have been running an engineering consultancy business since 2005, together with my husband. According to Star Trek terminology he is Chief Engineer and I am Science Officer.
I have degrees in applied physics (MSc and PhD, laser physics and high-temperature superconductors) and energy engineering (MSc sustainable energy systems). When it comes to computer networks and software, I am a self-studied geek.
I am interested in the history of science and engineering. Forever in awe of theoretical physics and math. Exploring the intersections of physics and art. Blogging about all of that at: https://elkement.art/
zuletzt geändert: Feb 2025