Dr. Jana Kemnitz is a researcher in machine learning for medical image analysis, specializing in deep learning and affiliated with Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg and the ETH in Zurich. She teaches signal- and image processing at the University of Vienna and also works as machine learning specialist at the Chondrometrics GmBH - a leading provider of medical image analysis services to researchers in academia and in the pharmaceutical industry.
During her PhD she was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship by the European Union, the DAdorW Future Prize by the German Academy of Osteological and Rheumatological Sciences, a visiting scholarship for the ETH Zurich by the German Society for Biomechanics and the Paracelsus Science Prize by the Paracelsus Medical University.
Since 2018 she is the vice chair of the Austrian Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni Association – an international society of excellent researchers.