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Vortrag Online: The Future of Identity

How Technology and Trends Have and Will Shape Digital Identity for the Business
Anne Bailey

Anne Bailey MA

This lecture introduces the topic of Identity and Access Management (IAM) as a key enabler of cybersecurity and enterprise operations, and discusses the emerging relevant topics in 2022: digitization, verification, decentralization, and reusability.

IAM is a critical part of an enterprise. It is functional, enabling employees and customers to access the resources and services they require, and an important security measure that gives the right access to the right people, devices, and things. However, both the way we do business and the way we must secure it are dynamically changing. New architectures and technologies are being employed to address the changing environment and requirements.

In this lecture, you will:

  •         Be introduced to the most important concepts in IAM (workforce and CIAM)
  •         Understand the changing context of security and business requirements
  •         Learn how digital identity can address those challenges
  •         Gain an overview of the technologies behind digital identity
  •         Discuss business use cases for digital identity

This lecture will be taught in English.

Zoom Link for this lecture:



Students and attendees of this lecture should bring:

  • English
  • Curiosity for IT in the business
  • Interest in emerging technology

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